We are a community of citizens inspired by the American project.

We meet periodically, typically monthly, to discuss ideas that are relevant to the national interest. Our scope is broad and our minds our open. Some of our unifying values are described below.

We believe in our shared American national project.

America’s values and institutions have enabled a brilliant expression of human potential, and served as an inspiration for the world. But our nation is far from perfect, and it each generation of Americans bears responsibility for striving to make it better than we found it for the sake of our children and the broader world.

We believe in capitalism.

Free enterprise and the capitalist system that enables it has unleashed human creativity, ingenuity, and collaboration in remarkable ways. America and the world in general should continue to harness the power of these principles as we envision and build the future.

We believe capitalism should be wielded intentionally.

Capitalism is amoral, but its application is not. When wielded with responsibility and purpose, capitalism can solve our country’s hardest problems. When applied without wisdom, it can damage our people and our national project.

We believe in public institutions.

Government reflects the people and their culture, and it is incumbent upon us - the people - to constantly reform and renew our institutions, without losing faith in their purpose to achieving our national and societal goals. Our public institutions are the endowment we pass on to future generations.

We believe in civic duty.

Nations succeed when their citizens take seriously the mantle of responsibility that comes with citizenship. America’s citizens, particularly those with socioeconomic leverage, are the prime stewards of the country, and must see their role and purpose as such.

We believe in a shared center.

The future of the American national project will be determined by our ability to overcome partisanship, and build trust and common values with our fellow citizens. As our culture becomes more unified around our shared national project, constructive politics will follow.

Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.

— Adlai E. Stevenson II